SMI, a company that offers sustainable packaging solutions, and Recicla LATAM promoted this successful activity. Callao, Lima – Marquez beach in Callao, is one of the most polluted in South America, with one kilogram of garbage per square meter of water. For this reason, the company SMI and Recicla LATAM under their initiative “ Juntos Recuperemos Marquez
-Together We Recover Marquez“, each year, conduct beach cleanups to counteract the environmental pollution of this ecosystem.
This year there have been two successful editions of “Juntos Recuperemos Marquez-Together We Recover Marquez “, the first took place on July and the second on November 17th. In total, more than 200 volunteers, SMI colleagues, participated, who demonstrated a great commitment to preserving the environment by collecting 25 tons of waste.
“We have come again to Marquez Beach as part of our commitment to society and the planet. At SMI we work hard to generate environmental awareness among our collaborators and these types of initiatives help us experience first-hand what poor management of waste can cause and reinforce camaraderie and responsibility among our agents of change.” says Veronica Saenz,
SMI Corporate Sustainability Manager.
This initiative had the constant support of the municipality of Callao and once again the importance of creating public-private synergies to generate a positive impact on our environment is evidenced.